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Mastery Music

Brede Primary School uses Charanga Musical School Units of Work to enable children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.

A range of activities are used throughout the programme. All activities are based around songs and include:

Games embedding the interrelated dimensions of music through repetition

Singing is at the heart of all the musical learning

Playing instruments with the song to be learnt - tuned/un-tuned classroom percussion. A sound-before-symbol approach is used but scores are provided as an understanding of notation is introduced to the children

Improvising with the song using voices and instruments occurs in some Units of Work

Composing with the song using instruments occurs in some Units of Work

Perform/Share: Share what has taken place during the lesson and work towards performing to an audience.

Music Curriculum Coverage Across Year Groups 

Progression across Key Stages

Musical Progression EYFS

Musical Progression KS1

Musical Progression KS2

Music Knowledge Organisers:

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 1

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 2

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 3

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 4

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 5

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 6

Musical Vocabulary:

Progression in Musical Vocabulary KS1 and KS2

The local authority also offers tuition in a range of instruments. Parents can find out more at East Sussex Music .